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Kelli Storm

Kelli’s debut novel, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED, was inspired by her love of boy bands. She graduated with a BA in Public Relations from Grand Valley State University. In a former job, she did publicity for a dog rescue, and had press releases used by People Magazine, I Heart Dogs, MSN, and Yahoo. Kelli resides in the Great Lake State with her three rescue dogs and a 14-yr-old fish named Henry O’Malley.

Top 5 movies of all time:
Apollo 13, The Martian, Footloose, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Crazy Rich Asians.

Where would you want to travel if you had to stay there a year?

Which novel made you fall in love with literature?
This is going to age me, but the Sweet Valley Twins series were the first books I ever asked for as a Christmas present. They made me love reading.

What’s your writing routine?
Once I get a story idea, I always have to outline it. Once I figure out how it’s going to begin and end, I know I have a book I can write.

Favorite classic?
Anne of Green Gables. I once planned a family trip to Prince Edward Island just so I could see the real Green Gables.

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