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Noah Lemelson

Where would you want to travel if you had to stay there for a year?
Home is where the heart is, so as long as I have friend and family, I’m happy wherever. Or maybe Kauai. Actually, let’s go with Kauai.

If you were a mythological or fantasy creature, what would you be?
I don’t mind being human, though I could use another arm. Three arms seems like a good number of arms.

What inspired you to become a writer?
Well, I was a terrible biologist, so this seemed the natural thing to do.

Which novel made you fall in love with literature?
It’s hard to pin it on one novel, so I’ll give a child answer and an adult one. First, I got to give it to The Bartimaeus Trilogy for really getting me excited about reading as a kid. As an adult Ursula K. Le Guin reminded me why I love sci-fi, particularly with The Left Hand of Darkness.

What book is on your TBR list or on your nightstand currently?
I don’t have books on my nightstand. My books live in a pile overflowing from my bookshelf, growing taller every day, judging me. I think there’s a Murakami book in there somewhere, I’ve been meaning to read more of his stuff.

What’s your writing routine?
Sit at my computer and pretend to write long enough for the guilt of my inaction to grow large enough to actually force me to write.

A short-story writer and novelist based in LA. Noah writes Science Fiction, Fantasy, Surreal-Horror, “Insert-Adjective-Here”-Punk and all sort of weird nonsense.

He received his B.A. in Biology from the University of Chicago in 2014, then made a hard pivot into the world of fiction. He has previously publish short fiction pieces in the online magazines: “Space Squid,” “Literally Stories,” “Silver Blade,” and “Allegory.” He is currently completing his MFA in Creative Writing at Calarts.

Find his website and newsletter here:

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