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Submissions: Closed

You can see our general tastes below, but we’re really, really, REALLY looking for the following with series potential:

Fantasy — Mythology, Fairytale Retellings, Arthurian, Gaslamp, Humorous, Urban

SciFi — Space Opera, Post Apoc, Humorous

Tiny Fox Press first and foremost is in search of engaging stories needing a great home. We do have a small range of genres we prefer and some others we’ll consider, so be sure to familiarize yourself with what we’re after. If your text doesn’t fit neatly in one genre, as long as it’s not solidly in our “Not For Us” category, send it in anyway. For length, we’re only searching for full-length novels.

  • Our primary focus is in the following genres of fiction: Sci-Fi/Fantasy (LitRPG included), YA (see above), Light/Cozy Fantasy 
  • We will consider when the stars align, dogs and cats start living together, etc.: Magical Realism, Historical Fiction, YA, Funny/Satirical Cozy Mysteries, Commercial, Bizarre
  • Even if The Four Horsemen ride in from the heavens and smite every other press out of existence, we are not right for: Suspense/Thriller, Chic-lit, Erotica, Romance, Chapter Books, Early Readers, Literary, Short Stories (including collections), Poetry and Non-Fiction
  • We do not consider previously published material (yes, this includes self-published anything, anywhere that hit the public) or less than full-length novels.


All queries should go to: submissions (at) tinyfoxpress (dot) com. and begin your subject line with QUERY: (title of the manuscript) (e.g. QUERY: The Hobbit Takes Manhattan).

We like to see well-written, concise letters that include your bio and any relevant writing experience. If you can pitch your entire manuscript in three sentences and make us want to read it, you’re already ahead of the game. Feel free to include in the body of the email the first 10 pages so we can get an idea of your writing.

We do not open unsolicited attachments, and those queries will be deleted.

We love all our writers, current and prospective, and we will respond to each inquiry so you aren’t fine dining in limbo. If by some twist of fate email gnomes have absconded with your query or our reply, feel free to nudge us after three months.

If we do request a manuscript, our turnaround time can be a few days to six months, so please be patient. We will also ask you for the dreaded synopsis at this time so we suggest you tame that beast as soon as you can. As before, if the gnomes are feeling feisty, nudge us at the six-month mark, but only after that time has passed. We know you’re eager to hear, and we’re eager to find, but we can’t field calls and respond to emails asking what’s going on if we’re reading and searching.

If you still have questions, we have an Author FAQ that may address them, or you can always use a method on our Contact Us page to reach out to us.

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